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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  January 25, 2013 2:40am-4:00am PST

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microchip and the team said they wanted to keep the dog out of the water because it was shivering in the rain. it will be put up for adoption if the owner doesn't come forward. cute little dog. >> lucky pup. >> that's why those microchips are so important. >> very true. welcome back to land, fido. coming up later, the fairy tale that is a scary tale coming up in "insomniac theater." and banning welfare recipients from playing the lottery? whose idea is this and why? you're watching "world news now." "world news now" weather brought to you by just for men mustache and beard.
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have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you.
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then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. see that film? people call me about this every day. my dishwasher must be broken. you know, it's not always the machine. it may be the detergent. add finish power up to boost your detergent and you'll see a huge difference. watch what it can do. look at that sparkle! now that's clean! cloudiness! spots! tough stains! even dishwasher build-up! gone! just like that! so don't give up. add finish power up. wow! see the difference! it's a must have! it's time to free ourselves from the smell
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and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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♪ this will get some discussion around the water cooler today. a lawmaker in north carolina has come up with a pretty controversial plan. he wants to ban people on welfare from buying lottery tickets. >> anna laurel from our raleigh station has the story. >> reporter: people all over north carolina buy lottery tickets at places like raleigh's peace street market. some days more than others. >> it depends on how the financial, feel like. maybe sometimes they spend more money in the middle than end of the month. >> reporter: now state lawmakers want to ban retailers from selling tickets to people on welfare or who are in bankruptcy. >> i don't feel comfortable to ask my customers what their financial status is.
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>> reporter: republican representative paul stan is helping draft the legislation and he says, we're giving them welfare to help them live, but yet by selling them a ticket, we're taking away the money that is there to provide the barest of necessities. as of october 2012, more than 1.7 people in north carolina were on food stamps. some use them at peace street market. >> just food, whatever is in food. no drink, no chewing gum. >> reporter: and if the new legislation passes, no lottery. but it only penalizes vendors if they know the buyer is on welfare. but he doesn't think it should be left to him. >> i don't feel comfortable to ask why. it's not my business. >> it isn't anybody's business. let them play the lottery.
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>> i'm not quite sure what they can legally do here, but i do understand the principle. if the government is supporting your life, and it's like the leader said, it's for the barest essentials. playing the lottery is not a bare essential as opposed to food. >> you're going to pay $1? >> that's assuming they play a dollar. they could be paying 20 or 50. >> let them play the lottery. >> i don't know, i don't know. that's a tough one. >> i don't like that. i wonder what everyone thinks about that. >> we'll be back.
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♪ ♪ maybelline, why can't you be true ♪ >> sing it, willis, sing it. ♪ oh, maybelline, oh, baby >> he's into it, folks. back in chuck berry's time, catching your girl cheating was a matter of luck or just good
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intel. >> how times have changed. those flowery little e-mails, that tiny tweet, all lead to one word -- busted. as abc's nick watts tells us, technology has made cheating easier, but it's also some say 30% of dating site users are cheaters and facebook gets a bad wrap as marriage breakers, allowing us to rapidly reconnect with that high school sweet heart or meet a total stranger the minute our marriages hit the doldrums. but there's a flip side, and john, a hard-nosed pi, joined me in a seedy hotel room scene, no doubt the scene of many sorted liaisons to explain what's going on. >> privacy doesn't exist no
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more. it's over. >> reporter: lipstick on a collar is no longer the cheat's biggest problem. >> nick, technology is going to get you caught at some point. technology is killing the cheater. >> reporter: because an electronic infidelity trail is now nearly impossible to erase. it was text messages that played a part in the downfall of tiger woods from national hero to serial philanderer. congressman anthony weiner, a laughing stock after sending photos of his manhood to young women on twitter. and an e-mail retired general david petraeus. then there were the good old fashion phone bills. >> when we look at phone bills for people cheating, we look at the number of minutes for people talking.
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most cell phone calls are two, three minutes max. when you see 30, 40 minute cell phone calls and that number keeps popping up, there's a problem. >> reporter: he says if you suspect your man is a cheater, he will catch him. because covering your tracks is now impossible. is this the end of the affair? >> it's making it a lot more difficult than it used to be. cheating used to be fun. i don't think it's much fun. ask the general. >> reporter: i'm nick watts, in los angeles. >> he's a gentleman. i like him. he seems very upright. >> cheating is no longer fun. you're not supposed to cheat any way. >> agreed. the footprint we all leave. dear beyonce, stop bothering me at work. othering me at work. it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep.
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it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency.
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common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ it's important to follow cdc guidelines to help protect your family. wash your hands often. and clean your surfaces using a disinfectant to prevent the spread of cold and flu viruses. you can trust lysol because lysol disinfectant spray is approved to kill twice as many germs than any other disinfectant spray. and with lysol no-touch hand soap, you have 10 times more protection with each wash. helping protect your family with lysol... that's our mission for health. and now hot pink toes. seems tough for a tough dog like duke. but when it has anything to do with gwen, he's putty in her hands. for a love this strong, duke's family only feeds him iams.
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compared to other leading brands, it has 50% more animal protein... help keep his body as strong as a love that can endure anything... even every fashion trend. iams. keep love strong. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. ♪ ♪ time now for "insomniac
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theater." and this morning, we have a unique movie that features no less than 40, yeah, 4-0 big names in a comedy that features 12 short films. >> that's right. it's sort of an ensemble piece. it's called "movie 43," produced by peter farley. remember "hall pass." remember "shallow hal?" he did "something about mary" and "dumb and dumber." really good producers, but apparently they have 12 outrageous sketches, each one by a different director with a different star studded cast, including kate winslet, haley barry, hugh jackman. take a listen to this. >> come on, why are you still sitting here. the game about to start. >> coach, we scared. >> they look tough. >> oh, i'm so scared. what game are we playing? >> basketball. >> what color are they? >> white. >> exactly. you're black, they're white. this ain't hockey. >> i'm not sure if it's going to work.
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rotten tomatoes no rating, but 94% of people want to see it. but oftentimes these sort of types of movies are very, very confusing to folks and it doesn't necessarily work. >> i think "suck" is the word you're looking for. also, the next movie i'm talking about is "hansel and gretel, witch hunters." no huge stars in this one. basically this is a horror, action, comedy, fairly tale here. after getting a taste for blood as children, now they've become the ultimate vigilantes hell bent on retribution. and now unbeknownst to them, they've become the hunted and must face an evil far greater than witches. they must face their past. take a listen. >> finally we meet. >> who are you? >> i see you got my invitation. >> say your name before my
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arrows rip out your throat. >> i go by many names, none of which you're worthy pronouncing. >> oh, my god. >> hey, girl. no rating just yet. 96% of folks wanted to see it. you wanted to correct me. i said no big names were in there. >> jeremy renner is in there. i'm going to see it. it looks fantastic. jeremy renner is huge. >> from what? >> "the avengers." other big movies. go see it. it is going to be excellent.
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this morning on "world news now," firing back. lawmakers take their first aim at assault weapons, demanding a new band. >> who's launching this
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crackdown and can it really stand a chance against the powerful gun lobby? it's friday, january 25th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm sunny hostin. the very heated debate over firearms restrictions is our top story this half hour. and it is quite a heated debate. >> it really is. senator feinstein was the first elected leader after newtown said i'm bringing the ban back and made good on her word. now that the pentagon is lifting the combat ban for women in the armed forces, the questions begin, are women physically strong enough for the military's most challenging assignments? also, there's no relief from the arctic weather system putting millions in the middle of this ongoing deep freeze. flights are canceled due to ice
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storms and it's too cold in some areas to even go skiing. i've never even heard of that before. that's cold. and later this half hour, the wizards on the web called bad lip reading reinterpret the president's inaugural address. into something completely incomprehensible. why this is our favorite story of the day. i can't wait to see that. i'm going to watch it for the first time. >> i watched it earlier. it really is funny. the magic of editing and what they do these days. it's a fun spin on tuesday's pomp and circumstance. it is game on for gun control, the first law to ban assault weapons is now on capitol hill and more are on the way. >> polls show most americans support new control but most lawmakers don't. abc's mark greenblatt has the details. >> reporter: rob, sunny, good morning to both of you. banning assault weapons and implementing other reforms is likely to remain an uphill balpal in congress.
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those in support took their first big swing. >> today, my colleagues and i are introducing a bill to prohibit the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of assault weapons. >> reporter: senator dianne feinstein and backers of a new gun reform bill say they don't want to take guns away from hunters. but their proposal promises to ignite a firestorm of controversy. it would ban 158 military-style weapons and large magazines that feed more than ten bullets without having to reload. congresswoman carolyn mccarthy lost her husband in a shooting. >> if you don't have these guns and the large magazines on the shelves, those who have done these horrific killings wouldn't be able to go into a gun store and just buy them. >> reporter: the proposal comes 42 days after the shooting at sandy hook elementary and on the same day the vice president weighed in on a google chat.
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>> i don't view it as gun control, i view it as gun safety. >> reporter: those backing the bill say they're specifically protecting 220 named guns hunters and sportsman can use. nearly 14 times the number they would ban. the nra is already pushing back, saying senator feinstein has been trying to ban guns from law-abiding citizens for decades. we're confident congress will reject her approach. but in a sign of where the nation stands, a new abc news "washington post" joint poll shows that 53% of americans support the kinds of gun reforms that president obama has proposed so far. mark greenblatt, abc news, new york. >> thank you, mark. of course, the president signed several executive orders. that was the first salvo in all of this. now the tougher battle is capitol hill. even senator feinstein said the chances of this getting passed are unlikely but it's a battle worth having. we'll see what happens once it
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hits capitol hill. >> i think most americans, especially after newtown, they do support some sort of gun control. perhaps not an aggressive form of gun control, but something. so why wouldn't it at least be possible? >> if the public is for it, you think capitol hill would respond. from '94 to 2004 in this country, we had an assault weapons ban. and you listen to people who supported it they say it worked and had the effect. you listen to the nra and other folks who say it didn't work. i just want to see one final concrete, nonpartisan study that says did the one we did from '94 to 2004 really work? >> there was studies, though. >> there was, but they always say conflicting things. you don't get a final word, and people twist the numbers to fit
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their argument. we've done this before. but the one in '94 had a lot of loopholes. maybe some of them will get closed up. >> perhaps this will close that loophole and it will be more successful. but we've got to do something. >> we've done it before. did the last one work? that should pave the way for what we do or don't do this time around. that's all. a suspect has been taken into custody in the brutal murder of a philadelphia pediatrician. police have arrested jason smith. an exterminator who had an appointment to work at her home on monday, the day she was killed. she was found in her basement strangled, bound and burned. smith's neighbors describe him as a regular, family man. a former tampa teacher pleaded guilty to having sex with a 14-year-old is back on probation. in 2005 deborah was sentenced to three years house arrest and probation. a judge released her from probation, now another court just ordered la favre back on probation. she was improperly shown leniency. she showed up in court with her parents. >> my mom was diagnosed with cancer for the second time, and
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i spent my year of -- excuse me, my year off probation taking care of her. and i'm so fortunate i was able to take her to the chemo treatments and spend the nights with her when she needed me the most. >> la favre, who is a mother of twins, has four more years to serve. she still has to stay away from schools and the former student she slept with. rhode island is one step closer to joining its new england neighbors by approving gay marriage. lawmakers in rhode island in the statehouse applauded yesterday after passing a bill to approve the marriages by an overwhelming margin. the next step is more uncertain. right now, no vote there is even scheduled. the leaders of each of the armed services branches have until may 15 to deliver a plan to include women in all combat roles. defense secretary leon panetta made it official recognizing a decade of women in the war zone. all jobs will be open to them unless the military can show why
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they should not be. but some of those jobs come with some tough physical requirements. >> the combat roles, standards are very high and they're high for a reason. >> women already make up 15% of the 1.5 million active duty military personnel. and 150 of them have died fighting in afghanistan and in iraq. >> look, the bottom line is, there are going to be some women that can and some that can't. just like there are some men that can't make it into the special forces and some men can. i just don't understand why a woman would be excluded from combat and then ultimately excluded from rising above this sort of glass ceiling and becoming a general and that sort of thing if she can do it. i don't want to go out and do it, but there are women that are perfectly capable of doing it. and the air force has had this
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rule for quite a long time. you have women winning medals. >> if you're brave enough to bleed and die for this country, more power to you. you have the opportunity to have an opportunity. >> exactly. i suppose implementation is going to be the problem. >> of course. an ice storm that shut down salt lake city is being blamed for creating a dangerous mess on the road. more than 200 traffic accidents were reported across the city's slick highways with drivers slipping and sliding in every direction. forecasters say it was the worst ice storm at the airport since 1983. the subzero cold freezing new england did not stop some die-hard skiers from hitting the slopes. they were taking precautions, though, with extra layers and hand warmers, but some resorts closed, saying it was just too cold to ski. >> i've never heard that. that's amazing to me. and it could be an icy commute for millions of people in 15 states. >> let's get the latest from accuweather and meteorologist
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jim dickey. good morning, jim. >> good morning. another brutally cold morning on tap in the northeast and new england. falling to minus 16 in burlington. minus 5 in portland. down to 1 in syracuse. now, we're tracking a weak area of low pressure, bringing an icy mix to cities like raleigh, atlanta, watch out for slick spots during the evening commute. as far as accumulations, 1 to 3 inches. higher along the spine of the appalachian. rob and sunny, back to you. >> thanks, jim. jimmy kimmel has some act to follow. after a decade of being bumped because kimmel ran out of time for him, matt damon took over kimmel's show last night. >> he had kimmel tied the up in a chair with a gag in his mouth. hollywood a-listers were all guests. andy garcia took the place of kimmel's usual security guard
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and the stars kept on coming in. >> you want to be on "jimmy kimmel live?" >> is jimmy in there? >> no, jimmy is not hosting it, i am. >> yeah, of course. >> demi moore also joined in on the fun and jimmy's former girlfriend, sarah silverman. she and damon have worked before in that memorable video that we really can't say on broadcast television. >> it was very funny. i didn't realize that actually happened ten years ago you said, that matt damon was supposed to be on his show and they ran out of time with matt damon in the green room. how do you not have matt damon on your show? how do you run out of time? >> matt got his revenge. coming up, who is putting words in the president's mouth just for a few cheap laughs? and manti te'o's embarrassing hoax and new details about who was really calling him on the phone. stay tuned for that. you're watching "world news now."
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"world news now" weather brought to you by colonel penn life insurance. [ roasting firewood ]
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♪ many hot dogs are within you. try pepto-bismol to-go, it's the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. now tell the world daniel... of pepto-bismol to-go.
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the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you.
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then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. another bizarre twist in t another bizarre twist in the manti te'o saga. we're now hearing the voice that he fell in love with. it turns out the woman's voice may have, may have belonged to a
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man. >> te'o talked for hours to this person and eventually he says bared his soul. abc's matt gutman has more. >> reporter: for the very first time, the voice that charmed and tormented manti te'o. the notre dame football star releasing voice mail he thought was from his girlfriend. we now know she never existed. >> hi, i am just letting you know i love you. >> doesn't that sound like a girl? >> it does. >> yeah. >> reporter: but could that sweet voice on the katie show be the voice of this man? >> what's up, everyone? this is ronaiah. i'm truly blessed and excited to share music with you. >> reporter: ronaiah tuiasosopo's attorney says he was speaking to te'o all along. ronaiah tuiasosopo seen in these christian music videos was a former high school quarterback
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who te'o says created the beautiful and fictitious lennay kekua. so convincing, te'o would spend up to eight hours baring his soul to her, in over 1,000 phone calls. and tuiasosopo may have been duping people for years. this polynesian beauty queen says this lennay kekua contacted her in 2008. >> i think what made her seem real is just being consistent at the same time. >> reporter: she says when they were supposed to meet, someone else showed up. ronaiah tuiasosopo. but what might drive someone to attempt such an elaborate hoax? >> it's a weak ego with a character disorder with a tremendous need to manipulate. >> reporter: the daily news reports tuiasosopo's attorney insists his client was just a person trying to reach out and communicate and have a relationship. matt gutman, abc news, los
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angeles. >> maybe the issue is not manti's psychology and state of mind, but the hoaxster's state of mind. >> think how elaborate this hoax was. he's calling him, on the phone for eight hours. a thousand phone calls. texting family members and speaking to family members. if that's happening to you, i suspect you would believe it, as well. >> katie couric does believe he was duped after doing that interview. it was a very good interview. >> it was excellent. >> we'll be back with more right after this. stay with us. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ can't tell whether willis was dancing or having a stroke.
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>> he was dancing. a youtube channel that's been around for a year has been getting some big-time hits. >> this one is our, boom, favorite story of the day. the channel is called bad lip reading and it spoofs clips from movies, tv shows and songs. and now the presidential inauguration. >> okay, repeat after me. i'm proud to say yo momma took a cosby sweater. >> i'm proud to say yo mama took a cosby sweater. >> i'll do the spaceman boogie. >> i'll do the spaceman boogie. >> i'll brush on my sassy face. >> i'll brush on my sassy face. >> there's two different einsteins. >> there's two different einsteins. >> i enjoy makeup. >> i enjoy makeup. >> okay, that's all. >> i enjoy makeup, too. >> what would a presidential inauguration be without a meaningful speech. >> i buried a possum in this yard to keep it hidden.
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let's go quietly down this road wearing our backwards pants. that's rough. of course it is. i like opiates. there's a song i got to sing. ♪ touch the sky and colorful bears will take you for the jump ♪ ♪ touch the sky all ghosts make webbing ♪ ♪ sorry i got stuck >> as you know, beyonce has taken a lot of flak for lipsyncing her performance. >> so here's the real cut. take a listen. ♪ >> it could have been that. because she didn't sing. >> you're still upset with beyonce. we have to get over it.
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>> i'm not over it. is she going to sing for the super bowl? does she sing when we go to concerts. >> word on the street is because of all this drama at the inauguration, word is she's going to blow the roof off the super bowl. >> she better. but it better be live. >> you have to love a country where in the course of a week beyonce gets more attention than benghazi. whatever. we will have the mix coming up in just a second. hopefully you'll be able to get over your very deep seated anger of miss beyonce knowles. she wanted it to be perfect. >> she was supposed to sing live. she's a singer. just sing. >> don't be talking about my girlfriend. i'm going to tell you that right now. now. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or
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operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula.
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it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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if you've been out to eat, most likely you've seen this at one time or another. people taking pictures of their food when the plate comes to the
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table. sunny is taking a picture of our abc snack. fruit and bagels and now restaurants in manhattan are saying enough is enough. and they're going to start confronting customers who come in there and take pictures saying it's a distraction to the oth others and the person you're with. saying it's a distraction. cracking down you instagramers and people taking pictures of the food. who says a horse isn't smart? a horse figured out how to unlock his stable door and let other friends go free. check this out. >> mr. ed, doing good work. >> and he just continues. >> we like it. let's continue now with a polka. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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this morning on "world news now," frozen flights. snow, ice, and arctic winds frazzle airline travelers as
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pilots face unsafe conditions. >> as a new bitter blast hit a big section of the country and causing major problems. it's friday, january 25th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good friday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> thank goodness. >> it has been a long week for a lot of reasons. so coming to a cold but merciful end. >> good friday morning. i'm sunny hostin. as the snow and ice freeze the middle of the country, some airports closed before the storm. we'll get the latest from accuweather. and it has really been remarkable. it's freezing here. >> it is cold. usually it's cold in here because i like the ac cranked up. but it's cold on a whole different level. >> and from one extreme to another, a brush with death for a teenager stuck in raging flood waters. find out where this rescue took place. that looks terrifying. also this morning, the case that captivated the country
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nearly 12 years ago, congressional intern chandra levy's disappearance and murder. why her parents suspect the case could be set free. later this half hour, a case of hijacking. during last night's jimmy kimmel live what matt damon did to take over the show and who was there to bring on the laughs. stay tuned for that in "the skinny." that was very funny. >> working this shift i have become a big kimmel fan. last night was one of his best ever. it was hysterical. this whole cast of characters came out, a-listers, too. so classic jimmy kimmel last night. we'll get to that in a second. we begin with the relentless cold snap. dangerously low temperatures are delivering a stinging blow to millions of people. >> that's right. as the midwest and northeast remain locked in a deep freeze,
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a new round of ice and snow is descending on 15 states from ohio to alabama. our coverage begins with abc's brandi hitt. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: good morning, rob and sunny. this blast of cold air is now hitting the south where flights are already being canceled at airports, including nashville international. a deep freeze has now taken over one-third of the u.s. and creating conditions so dangerous, salt lake city's airport had to be shut down because planes were sliding down the icy runway. >> just felt like the plane was going sideways. >> reporter: and it's no different on the roads where there have been several major accidents. aaa says the number of people calling for tow trucks has skyrocketed. >> this is about my 10th call tonight. it's kind of nonstop when it gets cold like. >> reporter: near the great lakes, the snow just keeps on coming. chicago firefighters are literally battling fire in ice. >> slips increase, falls increase, the frostbite increases. your body has to work hard just
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to keep warm. >> reporter: and in new hampshire, some ski resorts have even closed. >> got 20 layers on. body warmers, hand warmers, foot warmers. you can do about an hour, hour and 15 minutes and then go in and warm up. >> reporter: the deadly cold blast of air is now moving south to alabama. so ice is now the big concern. and the national weather service says the biggest impact will be icing of trees, power lines and of course, the roads. rob and sunny, back to you. >> too cold to ski? think about that. >> can you imagine? >> are you kidding me? >> thanks for that report, brandi. >> stay in the lodge with a hot tottie. be smart about it. for millions, that icy storm is going to make a mess out of this morning's commute. >> our coverage continues now with jim dickey over at accuweather. good morning, jim. >> good morning. dealing with snowfall across much of the east.
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a weak area of low pressure moving out of the great lakes towards the eastern seaboard. it's moving quickly. not much moisture for it to work with. this will be a light snow event in most cases. but also looking for a wintery mix. cities like raleigh, charlotte, back on through nashville, watch out for icy spots on those roads during the evening commute. 1 to 3 inches along with this system. along the spine of the appalachians, some spots topping out at three to six. rob and sunny, back to you. >> thanks, jim. a magnitude 4.4 earthquake rocked northern california, the strongest in a series of jolts. yesterday's quake was centered about 100 miles east of sacramento, near the nevada border. a dozen quakes have rattled the region this week, causing no major damage. on the other side of the globe, a cyclone is dumping record rainfall on australia. the downpours left this 14-year-old boy clinging to a tree in a rushing creek. but a daring rescue saved his life. thousands are still without power from the storm in eastern australia. forecasters expect more rain
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from what's left of the cyclone. shifting gears now to foreign news this morning. sobering news in fact. north korea says it has america in its cross hairs. all of this dashing hopes that its new leader would be less provocative. the new threat warns that north korea will soon test a nuclear weapon and a long-range rocket aimed at the u.s. there are signs that a nuclear test is in the works and the missiles can now reach hawaii. but so far it does not appear that north korea can combine them. north korea's threat will soon be john kerry's problem. president obama's nominee for secretary of state testified yesterday at a senate confirmation hearing on capitol hill but fielded more questions about iran's nuclear program, saying the u.s. must prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb. kerry is expected to be easily confirmed for the job, and possibly start early next month. the murder mystery of washington intern chandra levy captivated the nation during the summer of 2001. she had an affair with congressman gary condit and then murdered. a man named ingmar guandique was
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convicted in a case based largely on circumstantial evidence and witness testimony. but recently, two secret hearings have been held which are raising questions about the conviction. her parents say they just want justice. >> he's just a criminal, so he shouldn't go free. but if he's innocent of murder, he shouldn't be in jail for it. >> guandique's appeal has been put on hold while the new development in the case is addressed. he is due in court next month. >> two points on this. one, it's funny. this was the story that riveted the nation months before 9/11. and people forget that. obviously 9/11 happened and rightfully so, the attention, for years, shifted elsewhere and blew this story out of the headlines. >> everyone was talking about it. i was living in washington, practicing law in washington at that time. and everyone talked about it and whether or not the congressman was involved. it was really -- i think it
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torpedoed his career. >> he had that famous intense interview with connie chung. it was really big. but back to the case itself. basically like you heard in that piece there, it was not -- there was not a lot of physical evidence in the case. there was a lot of witness testimony and a key point of the case was that this man, armando morales, claimed that guandique told him that he killed levy. but now they're saying that testimony perhaps was not true. and if it's not, the case falls apart. >> i will say, i cover a lot of these cases. and with that case in particular that had the least amount of circumstantial evidence i've seen in a long time against anyone. >> really? >> yes. >> if it gets overturned, back to square one, which is hell for her parents. a southern california teacher is being held on $12 million bail, awaiting trial for sexual assault. fourth grade teacher robert pemendale pleaded not guilty yesterday to charges of molesting 12 students.
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but prosecutors say there were 20 child victims. police say the first victims came forward in 2002, but the principal failed to tell authorities about any of those claims. also from southern california, the end of the road for a suspected car thief. the guy wound up in an abandoned home, so police then fired some tear gas inside. now watch the attic window. you can see the guy sticking his head out. he said he wanted to surrender and eventually with his pants falling down, he made his way down that ladder. police then put him under arrest. >> oh, my, my. you might remember the woman who walked straight into a fountain at a mall while she was texting, remember that one? it got so much publicity. surely it couldn't happen again, right? >> you're clearly wrong, sunshine. watch this surveillance video. here she comes down a flight of stairs and there she goes, right into a seemingly frozen canal there in birmingham, england. the woman says she was texting
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her boyfriend and that the gray ice looked like more pavement. she was pulled out by a passerby and other than an extreme case of embarrassment, she was okay. >> that staircase is too close to that pond. >> that's the lawyer in you talking. she was clumsy and distracted and got what she deserved. what's funny is that case where the woman fell in that mall fountain, she tried to sue the mall because they released the security tape. she tried to sue for like distress. >> because they embarrassed her. >> she embarrassed herself. >> i'm not judging. i have walked into windows and the like. >> because you are a twitter-holic. >> i am. i text and walk all the time. i do it here in the hallways. >> bumped into willis and almost hurt yourself a couple days ago. coming up next in "the skinny" later, what may be the sexiest movie role in years in hollywood and the actress who now wants it. and the lengths americans
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for getting high rather than easing discomfort. >> this stat says it all. the u.s., which is just 4.5% of the world's population, consumes 99% of the world's hydrocodone. that's the opiate in vicodin, which is the nation's most popular painkiller. as abc's david kerley reports, the government is now taking action. >> reporter: it's an epidemic of addiction. pharmacy robbers where crooks are stealing vicodin and other drugs. a symptom of this growing addiction to painkillers. the demand is staggering, with estimates ranging in the millions of americans addicted to vicodin-type drugs. not just the rich, but housewives like jerry, who was followed by the a&e program "intervention." >> i am a drug addict. now it's close to 20 pills a day. >> reporter: if abused, these
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pills can be deadly. brandy took too much vicodin and other drugs and died. >> it's too easy to pull something out of somebody's medicine cabinets. i'm outraged there's not more being done about it. >> reporter: in 2011, 131 million prescriptions were written for vicodin, which goes by several brand names. it's a mix of the ingredient in tylenol and hydrocodone. the drug enforcement administration can't win the battle and is pleading to make it harder to get vicodin. >> if it has more restrictive manners tied to it, it would help reduce the abuse potential. >> reporter: the drug agency wants vicodin to be moved up to the same category as cocaine, percocet. harder to get a prescription, harder to get a refill. that's what worries doctors and patients who use it appropriately to control pain. if it's classified as a more dangerous drug, that could drive up costs for makers and doctors, more paperwork. patients could to make more visits to the doctor foe refills, spending more in co-pays. >> we do have a crisis and something needs to be done. >> reporter: balancing use that helps millions of americans in
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pain against the abuse that leads to this. a recommendation comes tomorrow. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> some action, yes, would seem necessary on this. plus you hear these stories about these pill mills where people just go in and get whatever they need. doctors are like here you go, here you go. it's a scary epidemic. >> it really is. you see that piece with that woman that take 20 pills a day. i mean, you can't function. >> i don't know how she's alive. that's scary. what that must do to your body over time. hopefully some action comes. >> recommendations are expected today. we'll keep an eye on that. coming up, the back story after matt damon apparently hijacked the jimmy kimmel show. >> and the sexy movie role that one young hollywood starlet wants to dominate. that's coming up next in "the skinny." "world now news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny, so skinny skinny in the house! >> oh, man. >> it's friday. >> willis is in heat. okay, let's start off with this. jimmy kimmel had a great show last night. so it's been a running joke on his show where he ends by saying, sorry to matt damon, we ran out of time.
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which did happen on the show years ago. >> i had no idea. >> so every night he's ended the show with the same thing, sorry, matt damon, we ran out of time. finally matt damon got his revenge and ended up hijacking the show last night and a slew of celebrity guests came out as part of this ongoing gag. it lasted the entire show. take a listen to a little bit from last night. >> welcome to tonight's episode of "jimmy kimmel sucks." i'm your host, matt damon. as an audience, is it weird to see a person with actual talent host this show? siri, who is the best standup comedian in the world? >> definitely not jimmy kimmel. he is not funny at all. he's terrible. he is human garbage. >> that's a given. do you know why people think jimmy is so funny? >> no, why? >> no, i'm asking you. i was hoping you could tell me. >> sarah silverman, jimmy's ex-girlfriend.
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it was a really funny show. sheryl crow took over the band leader spot. sheryl crow took over as band leader. she was doing her thing. ben affleck showed up, matt damon's besty. robin williams came in at some point. nicole kidman came over and kind of grinded on jimmy in the chair like a little striptease. andy garcia was outside. so it was a lot of fun last night. so congrats, a lot of fun. another congratulations. robin roberts returned to the "good morning america" set. now, she was just sort of doing this dry run. there she is on the set. she hopes to be back on air in february. but she's sort of there just to help her get back into the swing of things. so we hope to see robin return to the set with the cameras rolling hopefully in february. >> just to get her body clock used to it, make sure she's up
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to it. so good dry run. so looking good and the spiritual high. so good to see that. so stay tuned for "gma" the next few weeks. you're a big fan of "50 shades of grey." >> love all the books. i read all of them. >> which says so much. they are stern turning this thing into a movie. guess which hollywood starlet says i want to play the main character? mila kunis wants the role. >> i could see that. >> she says she wants the role. also possibly emma watson is in the running. amanda seyfried, i may be saying that wrong. and the person who is writing the screenplay says it will be raunchy. we're 100% going there. >> and they need to go there. >> i support, i support. >> who is going to play christian gray, though? that's my question. >> the casting call for anastasha is at my place. anastasha is at my place.
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during the commercial break. >> she lipsynced. >> whatever. >> friday morning, it is definitely time to get the party started. >> it's been a very busy week in the news. here's a look back in our friday rewind. >> i, barack hussein obama do solemnly swear. >> good job, dad. >> i did it. >> i know she had a lot of other people that she could have chosen from, and to be the one that she chose is one of those amazingly humbling experiences. >> beyonce may have lipsynced the national anthem. >> this has never happened before on an inauguration day where the performance of the national anthem had been pretaped. >> it's worse than that. it may not have been beyonce at all. noted manti te'o prankster
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ronaiah tuiasosopo. >> this girl, who i committed myself to, died on september 12. now i get a phone call on december 6 saying she's alive and now i'm going to be on national tv two days later. and they asked me the same question. what would you do? >> the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or because some guys out for a walk that decided they were going to kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> being able to do the job should be the standard, not whether you are male or female. i believe as leaders, we took our eye off the ball. we enabled a climate where our troops became vulnerable. >> i feel cold, yeah. >> very cold. >> it's very easy to completely forget who i am when i'm in the army. everyone is wearing the same uniform. and doing the same kind of thing. >> i want to thank my parents, jack and jackie harbaugh and go, ravens. >> i don't know if we had a dream this big. we had a few dreams, we had a
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few dreams, a few fights, and arguments. >> which brings us to today, which is of all things opposite day. >> we're on, okay, good. >> read the prompter. >> there are probably endless ways to celebrate this day. spongebob squarepants did a whole episode on it. so whatever way you choose to confuse people, enjoy. >> we're switching roles today. i'm taking the willis position. >> 15 seconds. >> the only difference is i'm awake. >> wrap it up. >> it's not that hard.
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this morning, north korea's nuclear threat. >> and is it aimed at america? the secretive nation says
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upcoming missile tests are meant to target the u.s. we're live in seoul. travel danger. snow is set to create treacherous travel conditions for a quarter of the nation today. and that record cold isn't over yet. luxury living. a squatter moves into a multimillion-dollar mansion with nothing his neighbors can do about it. plus, this -- >> is it weird to see a person with actual talent host this show? >> matt damon hilariously hijacks "jimmy kimmel live." taking over the show, his own humor, his own guests. and there was nothing jimmy could do about it. good morning. i'm sunny hostin. >> and i'm rob nelson. north korea has drawn a bull's eye on america. its leaders have issued a direct threat that they will soon test nu


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